On the morning of March 11, 2017, the IEEE Power Electronics Society (“PELS”) Beijing Chapter joint seminar was successfully held at Room A315, Teaching Building No 6, Tsinghua University. More than 150 teachers and students from Tsinghua University, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing Institute of Technology, North China Electric Power University, North China University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended this joint seminar.
The seminar was sponsored by the IEEE PELS Beijing Chapter and organized by the IEEE PELS Student Chapter in Tsinghua University. Vice-chair of IEEE PELS Prof. Jinjun Liu, Chair of IEEE PELS Beijing Chapter Prof. Zhengming Zhao and a number of young scholars in the field of power electronics, were invited to deliver academic lectures on four aspects, including latest achievement in power electronic devices, predictive control of motor models, new energy sources and wireless power transmission.
The seminar started at 9:00 am on March 11,2017. Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, Deputy Director of State Key Lab of Power System, Chair of IEEE PELS Beijing Chapter,Advisor of IEEE PELS Student Chapter in Tsinghua University Prof. Zhengming Zhao gave a warm welcome to all participants. Reviewing IEEE PELS Beijing Chapter’s 22 years’ history, Prof. Zhao encouraged students to attend PELS to exchange ideas and make more progress. Then, Deputy Secretary-General of China Electrotechnical Society Mr.Wang Zhihua and Vice Chair of Electric Age Mr.Chen Dali gave a speech respectively , giving a lot of suggestions in scientific research for graduate students.
Prof. Zhunming Zhao presents his talk
Prof. Jinjun Liu from the Department of Electric Engineers at Xi’an Jiaotong University, who is also Changjiang Scholar and Vice Chair of IEEE PELS, gave his lecture on topic of “Explore more new research area with the electronic trend of electric power systems”. He firstly analyzed the tendency of development of electric power systems, pointed out that electric power systems will become more electronic with the increasing proportion of electricity in the energy consumption. Then he analyzed the new research areas of power electronics from three aspects, including single converter, multiple converter and power electronics system. Prof. Liu’s lecture has indicated the developing direction for power electronics subject in the future. Teachers and students have showed great interest and discussed actively after lectures.
Prof. Jinjun Liu presents his topic
Prof. Puqi Ning, who is from Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a presentation on the topic of “Power electronic device application development in electric vehicles”. He introduced the the principle and development of Silicon Carbide, Gallium nitride and other new power electronic device. And introduced wide gap semiconductor’s application in electric vehicles. Then Prof. Yongchang Zhang from Beijing University of Technology introduced model predictive control’s application in the field of electric power transmission. He showed us the model predictive control’s distinctive advantages in stability and dynamicity compared to traditional VC and DTC. Prof. Kainan Chen from Tsinghua University gave a presentation on the topic of “Development of wireless power transmission”. He talked about one hundred-year history and the latest achievement on wireless power transmission, led us to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of wireless power transmission technology. Finally, Prof. Kai Sun from Tsinghua University give a presentation on the topic of “The key technology for new energy applications to AC/DC distribution networks”. Large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power generation is an important trend in the development of renewable energy sources. Prof. Sun introduced the cutting-edge techniques of large-scale photovoltaic power generation. Students have learned the latest technology and future development in this field of renewable energy sources from his lecture.
Teachers and students who have attended this seminar think that it is of high academic level and well organized. People learned a lot through this event, and also set a great friendship with each other. It is really a successful academic exchange seminar on power electronics.
Group photo